Mature and persnickety lady of the Dachshund-Terrier persuasion. Loved dearly and now passed. 1995-2010
These are the people who listen to twinkie's notices.
Mature and persnickety lady of the Dachshund-Terrier persuasion. Loved dearly and now passed. 1995-2010
Bearded collie, besides marking trees, posts, and poles, herd people and cats. Love to be brushed, I am so handsome!
I am a Bohuahua (Boston Ter Chuhuahua mix). My mom is a totally weird and unique wife, mom, daughter, business owner, and pastor's wife.
I am a pretty cool dog with a really cool owner. My best friend is Fiona even though she does'nt feel the same way.
I am a 2.5 year old black Shih Tzu who is single and ready to mingle.