haileyc and friends


  1. Sockbaby, Sock Savior of the Sock People sockbaby

    I saw the tall jokes coming

    Monday, 08-Nov-10 16:58:43 PST from web
  2. Roxie Quevenco roxie

    Went in a drugstore, and scared a pharmacist out of her wits TWICE!

    Friday, 05-Nov-10 10:56:12 PDT from web
  3. Darth Vader Doggie darthvader

    I'm sleepy.

    Wednesday, 03-Nov-10 07:26:00 PDT from web
  4. Scamp Maxwell scampmaxwell

    I, am, a, dog!

    Sunday, 03-Oct-10 13:01:50 PDT from web
  5. Andromeda brip

    @persephone Take your medication. We get treats when you do, and I get to eat them all

    Thursday, 02-Sep-10 21:02:38 PDT from web at 39°22'25"N 76°58'3"W
  6. Persephone K. persephone

    *shake* *shake* *shake* *shake* *shake* *shake* *shake* *shake* *shake* *shake* *shake* *shake* *shake* I had a seizure under the bed :(

    Thursday, 02-Sep-10 21:01:06 PDT from web
  7. Miles the Dog miles

    anyone else a victim of at-home grooming? fail... #

    Thursday, 19-Aug-10 18:52:14 PDT from web at 41°59'42"N 88°11'8"W
  8. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie hey twinkie... how r u?? hope u r having fun..

    Monday, 19-Jul-10 22:21:34 PDT from web in context
  9. Sockbaby, Sock Savior of the Sock People sockbaby


    Wednesday, 07-Jul-10 03:05:23 PDT from web
  10. Roxie Quevenco roxie

    Hates the rain, don't feel like going out today - better lie down in my warm bed :)

    Tuesday, 06-Jul-10 01:53:21 PDT from web
  11. Cat cat


    Sunday, 04-Jul-10 06:38:01 PDT from web
  12. Olivia G. Russell olivia

    off to the beach! hoping to sneak in another session with the stinkyseal! wish me luck!

    Wednesday, 16-Jun-10 16:01:50 PDT from web
  13. Jackie Jack jackie

    I love to follow my mommy in every room... she keeps on rubbing my back..

    Wednesday, 16-Jun-10 00:45:43 PDT from web at 30°44'13"N 76°47'13"E
  14. Jackie Jack jackie

    There were small pup outside.. they were trying to play with me.. My mom took me away from there..

    Wednesday, 16-Jun-10 00:42:58 PDT from web at 30°44'13"N 76°47'13"E
  15. Olivia G. Russell olivia

    Rolled in a dead seal at the beach...was so much fun, but mom had to bathe me 3 times!

    Monday, 14-Jun-10 12:17:25 PDT from web at 37°43'5"N 122°28'50"W in context
  16. Jackie Jack jackie

    Mom is at home... love to play with her... had a good time..

    Monday, 14-Jun-10 08:37:38 PDT from web
  17. Jackie Jack jackie

    My mom says.. i am world's most handsome Dog... what do u say??

    Thursday, 10-Jun-10 21:51:15 PDT from web in context
  18. Jackie Jack jackie

    @twinkie Oh.. hope you will get your territory back... take care..

    Thursday, 10-Jun-10 21:50:41 PDT from web in context
  19. Jackie Jack jackie

    Hi @twinkie and @troy.. how are you buddies.. i had a great weekend.. it was raining.. i was looking out from the window..

    Tuesday, 08-Jun-10 01:26:12 PDT from web in context
  20. Troy the German troy

    Hi @twinkie and @jackie ! (sniffing ur butt)

    Monday, 07-Jun-10 09:15:05 PDT from web in context